Friday (18-July)

Optimization and DSS for SC (III)

Intensive Programme N. 2013-1-PT1-ERA10-16658-P PORTALE01
III Summer School, Portalegre, Portugal, 06-20 JULY-2014


Workshop on Project Development



09H00 (Anf. 2.01) - Modeling, Simulation and Optimization
onto Project Development, Miguel Casquilho (IST-UL)


The session integrates several "auxiliary" subjects that are inherent in the management of the Supply Chain, the approach being both theoretical and applied. Topics are in the deterministic and the probabilistic views of modelling, considering the two aspects of simulation ("classical" vs. stochastic or Monte Carlo). Several working cases are described, based both on the user's computer and on web computing.





10H00 (Anf. 2.01) - Hutchison Worldwide (prov.),
Lukasz Milanowski (Hutchinson Log.) and Rui Barrento (Hutchinson HR)



11H00 (Anf. 2.01) - The Logistics System at "Jerónimo Martins-JMR",
Maciej Gawronski (JMR Logistics Manager)



12H00 (Anf. 2.01) - Multi-Echelon Simulation and Optimization,
Marco Laumanns (IBM)



13H00 - Closing of technical sessions


14H30 - Visit to the Evertis / Selenis industry site at Portalegre

18H00 Departure to Marvão

18H30 Arriving at Marvão

Visit to the village








20H30 IP farewell dinner

João Luís de Miranda

Escola Superior de Tecnologia e Gestão

Lugar da Abadessa, Apt. 148

7301-901 Portalegre


Phone: +351-245300284

Fax: +351-245300230


Caixa de texto: P1) Instituto Politécnico de Portalegre (IPP-PT)                      P PORTALE01


Miguel Casquilho is Professor at Instituto Superior Técnico (IST), "Universidade de Lisboa" (University of Lisbon), retired since 2011. He has taught Optimization-based and Statistics-based disciplines, such as Operations Research and Quality Control. He has Graduate (1971) and PhD (1985) degrees in Chemical Engineering, is full researcher at the "Centre for Chemical Processes" (now a part of CERENA, Centre for Natural Resources and the Environment) focusing on Modelling, Simulation and Optimization, and has presented conferences and lectures on these subjects. He participates in several R&D projects, is supervisor of PhD and MSc students and a consultant to the process industry. Internationally, he has given lectures in France and presented several communications on conferences.


With significance to the Odss4SC programme, among others, the following can be focused:

- Summer course in Modelling, Simulation and Optimization, at MIT.

- Casquilho, M., M. Cunha, 2014, "Scientific computing over the Web in various programming languages --- solving problems in Fortran, C, and Octave", CISTI'2014, 9.a Conf. Ibérica de Sistemas y Tecnologías de Información ( Iberian Conf. on Information Systems and Technologies), June, Barcelona (Spain).

- Casquilho, M., Fátima C. Rosa, 2012, "Scientific computing on the Internet: direct resolution of several engineering problems", CISTI'2012, 7.a Conf. Ibérica de Sistemas y Tecnologías de Información ( Iberian Conf. on Information Systems and Technology), Madrid (Spain).

- Casquilho, M., J. Buescu, 2011, "A minimum distance: arithmetic and harmonic means in a geometric dispute", International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 142(3), 399-405

- Casquilho, Miguel, "Scientific computing on the Internet, a little-trodden field", IST, Lisbon (Portugal)


Miguel Casquilho

Dep. Chemical Engineering

Instituto Superior Técnico

Av. Rovisco Pais 1

1049-001  Lisboa


Phone: +351-218417310

Fax: +351-218417638


Caixa de texto: P2) Instituto Superior Técnico (UL/IST-PT)                               P LISBOA104


João Miranda is Adjunct Professor at the College of Technology and Management (Portalegre Polytechnics Institute, Portugal) and researcher in Optimization methods and Process Systems Engineering at the Centre for Chemical Processes (associated onto IST/UL). He is teaching for more than 15 years in the Mathematics group (mainly: Calculus, Operations Research, Numerical Analysis, Multivariate Analysis) and he is author of several papers in Optimization, and Education subjects in Engineering and OR/MS. He is also interested to strength the referred subjects within approaches of international cooperation.


Important subjects related to the Odss4SC programme can be found in:

 Miranda, J.L., Varadinov, M.J., Rubio, S., "Green Logistics, Reverse Logistics and Agro-Industries: Overview of scientific articles and international programs", 97-106 In: Green Supply Chains: Applications in Agroindustries edited by Carlos Ariel and William Castro, Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Sede Manizales (2014)
ISBN: 978-958-761-924-9

 Miranda, J.L., An empirical approach to Decision Support Systems: advanced decision making within a SC framework, Proceedings of Informatik 2011 - Informatik schafft Comunities, 3rd Workshop on Enterprise Systems in Higher Education (TUB, Berlin, Germany, October-2011), 10pp
ISBN 978-3-88579-286-4

 Coordinator of "Support to Students" project on behalf of the Fulbright program

 Miranda, J.L., Casquilho, M., A problem-based approach to Optimization: applied cases, from basic cycles to engineering Education, Proceedings of ICEE07-International Conference in Engineering Education (FCT/UC, Coimbra, Portugal, Sept-2007), 6 pp