Tuesday (15-July)

Optimization and DSS for SC (III)

Intensive Programme N. 2013-1-PT1-ERA10-16658-P PORTALE01
III Summer School, Portalegre, Portugal, 06-20 JULY-2014

Dr. Sergio Rubio

School of Industrial Engineering

Universidad de Extremadura

Avenida de Elvas s/n

06006 Badajoz


Phone: +34-924 289300

(Ext. 86795)


Fax: +34-924 289601

E-mail: srubio@unex.es

Caixa de texto: P3) Universidad de Extremadura (UEX-ES)                            E BADAJOZ01



09H00 (Anf. 2.01) - Reverse Logistics: Overview and Challenges
for the Supply Chains

14H00 (Room 2.14) - Business Management:
Theoretic and case study

This session is aimed to present the concept of Reverse Logistics and its implications for the supply chain management. Reverse logistics is a new research area focus on the management of products once they are no longer desired or can no longer be used by the consumers. Reverse logistics has become a matter of strategic importance; an element that companies have to consider in their decision-making processes concerning the design and development of their supply chains.

The session is structured in two parts: firstly, an approximation to the problem will be given by introducing concepts like end-of-life products, reuse, remanufacturing, or recycling, and describing the main characteristics of a closed-loop supply chain; the second part of the session will be an interactive session with the participation of the students in order to deal with some of the more recent challenges for the closed-loop supply chain management



16H30 - Visit to VALNOR 's Collection-Production site

Dr. Sergio Rubio is an Associate Professor of Business Management in the School of Industrial Engineering at University of Extremadura (Spain), and joins the M@rkDO Research Group .

His research topics are related to the Supply Chain Management and particularly to those issues related with the management of the end-of-life products and its impact on the Supply Chain. Keywords like reverse logistics, closed-loop supply chain, remanufactured products, sustainable supply chain can describe the main themes analysed in his research papers.

Some recent contributions by Dr. Rubio are the following:


 Jiménez-Parra, B., Rubio, S., Molina-Vicente, María-Azucena. (2014). "Key drivers in the behavior of potential consumers of remanufactured products: a study on laptops in Spain". Journal of Cleaner Production. Article in press.


 Chamorro, A., Rubio, S., Miranda, F. J. (2009). "Characteristics of research on green marketing". Business Strategy and the Environment 18 (4), 223-239.


 Rubio, S., Miranda, F. J., Chamorro, A., Valero, V. (2009). "Implementing a reverse logistics system: a case study". International Journal of Procurement Management 2 (4),


 Rubio, S., Corominas, A. (2008). "Optimal manufacturing-remanufacturing policies in a lean production environment". Computers & Industrial Engineering 55 (1), 234-242.


 Rubio, S., Chamorro, A., Miranda, F. J. (2008). "Characteristics of the research on reverse logistics (1995-2005)". International Journal of Production Research 46 (4), 1099-1120.