July 2012

Optimization and DSS for SC (III)

Intensive Programme N. 2013-1-PT1-ERA10-16658-P PORTALE01
III Summer School, Portalegre, Portugal, 06-20 JULY-2014

Friday (11-July)

09H00 (Anfit. E.1) - SC Logistics and Distribution (Petrochemical)


14H00 (Lab 1.08) - Case study: Petrochemical SC


Optimal Downstream Oil Supply Chain: Examples and Methods


This one-day course addresses decision support topics under the scope of downstream oil supply chain, namely at the operational level. Three different problems will be presented. The computational workshop will focus on implementing and studying a toy example for one of the problems presented.

We will take an overview of the downstream oil supply chain and then focus in specific problems:

1) Secondary distribution planning: overview of problem characteristics. Portuguese case study, where we aim at minimizing costs of short-term distribution planning in a system involving distribution centers supply to local petrol stations. A mixed integer linear programming (MILP) model is proposed.


2) Pipeline Scheduling: overview of problem characteristics. Portuguese case study, where the system is formed by a multiproduct pipeline connecting a refinery to a distribution center. The objective is to obtain optimized pipeline schedules and optimal storage strategies at the distribution center. Two models are proposed considers a continuous time and volume representations leading to a MILP.


3) Inventory Management at Distribution Centers: overview of problem characteristics. Portuguese case study where tank farm storage strategies are modeled and optimized through the definition of individual tank operational cycles, providing rotation schemes for product reception and delivery to local market. The problem is formulated as a MILP.


Along the seminar, data and results from Portuguese Companies will be presented. Company support is relevant as problem providers and result validation and discussion. The problems here presented will motivate the practical lesson.

Susana Relvas

Dept. of Engineering and Management

Instituto Superior Técnico

Technical University of Lisbon

Av. Rovisco Pais

1049-001  Lisboa



Phone: +351-218417981 (Alameda)
+351-214233507 (Tagus)


E-mail: susana.relvas@tecnico.ulisboa.pt

Caixa de texto: P2) Instituto Superior Técnico (UL/IST-PT)                              P LISBOA104


Susana Relvas is an Assistant Professor at the Department of Engineering and Management of Instituto Superior Técnico (IST). She received her PhD degree from IST, in Industrial Engineering and Management in 2008, under the topic "Optimal Pipeline Scheduling and Inventory Management of a Multiproduct Oil Distribution Centre". Currently she is co-coordinator of the first and second cycle (master) programs in Industrial Engineering and Management at IST. She develops research in topics related to Operations Management, Supply Chain Management, with applications to different sectors such as Oil, Biofuels, Health and areas such as distribution, warehouse management, planning. She has teaching experience in Operations Management, Supply Chain Management, Logistics and Distribution, Operations Planning and Control and Warehouse and Materials Management.


Relevant literature under the topic of the seminar lectured at O&DSS_4SC course:

  Relvas, S., Matos, A. H., Barbosa-Póvoa, A. P. F. D., Fialho, J., Pinheiro, A. S. (2006). Pipeline Scheduling and Inventory Management of a Multiproduct Distribution Oil System, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 45, 7841-7855

  Relvas S., Barbosa-Póvoa, A.P.F.D., Matos, H.A. (2010). Inventory Management MILP Modeling for Tank Farm Systems, ESCAPE20, Ischia, Italy

  Fernandes, L.F., Relvas, S., Póvoa, A., (2013). Strategic Network Design of Downstream Petroleum Supply Chains: Single versus Multi-entity Participation, Chemical Eng. research and Design (accepted)

  Mota, N., Relvas, S., Gonçalves, J. (2013). Downstream oil products distribution planning, Proceedings of the IO2013, Bragança, Portugal.