Wednesday (09-July)

Optimization and DSS for SC (III)

Intensive Programme N. 2013-1-PT1-ERA10-16658-P PORTALE01
III Summer School, Portalegre, Portugal, 06-20 JULY-2014

Juan Manuel Garcia Lopez
BM - ILOG Decision Optimization IT Specialist
C/ Santa Hortensia, 26-28
28002 Madrid


Phone: +34 - 913 976611



Caixa de texto:          Invited Partner) IBM/ILOG


09H00 (Lab 1.08) - Optimization Lab Session (I) - Introduction;
basics of OPL system; features and applic


14H00 (Lab 1.08) - Optimization Lab session (II) - CPLEX solver,
features and applications


LOGIC NET PLUS case studies


During the two Optimization Lab Sessions the participant will be introduced to the IBM ILOG CPLEX Optimization Studio to develop optimization projects.

IBM ILOG CPLEX Optimization Studio speeds development and deployment of optimization models, combining leading solver engines with a tightly integrated IDE and modeling language. Techniques used include linear, quadratic and mixed integer programming. IBM ILOG CPLEX Optimization Studio ensures reliable development and maintenance using a transparent modeling language and intuitive tools for model testing, profiling, and tuning.

Participants will be introduced to the concepts, architecture, components, processes, and procedures necessary to build optimization models. Topics covered in this session include working with Optimization Programming Language (OPL) to write mathematical programming (MP) models, linking to data sources, flow control and performance tuning of CPLEX optimizer.