Tuesday (08-July)

Optimization and DSS for SC (III)

Intensive Programme N. 2013-1-PT1-ERA10-16658-P PORTALE01
III Summer School, Portalegre, Portugal, 06-20 JULY-2014

Andrea Genovese

Management School

9, Mappin Street

S1 4DT Sheffield

United Kingdom

Phone: 0044-1142223347


E-mail: a.genovese@shef.ac.uk

Caixa de texto: P4) University Of Sheffield (US-UK)                                  UK SHEFFIE01

09H00 (Anfit. E.1) - Decision Problems within a SC,
Giuseppe Bruno (UNINA-IT)


A Supply Chain represents a network of organizations involved in the different processes and activities that produce value in the form of products and services. Supply Chain Management is the task of integrating organizational units within the network and coordinating material, information and financial flows in order to fulfill customer demands with the aim of improving competitiveness and reducing (internal and external) costs. In order to achieve these goals, one has to analyze and solve at different levels decision problems (strategic, mid-term, tactical), whose characteristics and ingredients of these problems depend on various factors (complexity, objectives, constraints). Most of these problems are intrinsically multi-objective and then they should be addressed through appropriate techniques. Through some examples we illustrate the typical framework of a multi-attribute approach, useful for practical decision problems.




14H00 (Anfit. E.1) - Suppliers Selection: DSS for Supplier Selection Problem, Andrea Genovese (US-UK)


This lecture will provide students with methods and models for solving the Supplier Selection and Evaluation problems. The relevance of the problem in the real-world will be highlighted through the use of several case studies and group discussions. Generalities multi-criteria decision making methods (mainly, AHP and TOPSIS) will be provided, in order to equip students with appropriate tools for tackling such problems.



18H30 - Guided tour to "Portalegre Sunset",

Dr. Patrícia Martins (Portalegre Municipality Tourism)


Andrea Genovese is a Lecturer in Logistics and Supply Chain Management at the Management School of the University of Sheffield (UK). He holds a PhD in Science and Technology Management from University of Naples (Italy) and a Master in Business Administration from University of New Hampshire (USA).

His research interests include the design of Decision Support Systems for complex Supply Chain and Logistics problems. He is author of several publications in the forms of journal papers, book chapters and conference proceedings.

Currently, his research is mainly devoted at the design and evaluation of Green Supply Chains within the activity of the Centre for Low Carbon Futures, an initiative funded by the UK Government.

Andrea Genovese full bio: http://www.sheffield.ac.uk/management/staff/genovese





Giuseppe Bruno

Dipartimento di Ingegneria Economico-Gestionale

Piazzale Tecchio 80

80125 Naples


Phone: +39-0817683637

Fax: +39-0817682154

E-mail: giubruno@unina.it

Caixa de texto: P4) Università degli Studi di Napoli “Federico II” (UNINA-IT)      I NAPOLI 01